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在TU的生活 / 校园安全与保安


博彩平台推荐校园安全与安保 is a support service which operates 24 hours a day, 一周七天, 确保所有学生的安全, 教师, 工作人员, 校园访客. 作为学生事务的一部分, our department is primarily student run with 15 Security Officers, 1中士, a locally owned third party professional armed security company, a full-time Director of 校园安全与保安 and full time Assistant Director, giving the TU campus 24/7 professional security coverage.

校园安全 & 安全标志

办公时间: 周一至周五上午8点.m. – 11 p.m.
巡逻时间: 24/7
地点: 吉尔莫学生中心
办公室电话: 419.448.3303.
24小时值班电话: 419.934.0721
电子邮件: security@imtiazqazi.com


博彩平台推荐校园安全与安保, 作为问题解决者和犯罪预防者, provides a safe and secure environment for all members of the Tiffin University community, 包括学生, 教师, 教职员及校园访客. The mission of 博彩平台推荐校园安全与安保 is to enhance the quality of life at TU, which is conducive to learning while building collaborative community partnerships based on inclusivity, 相互尊重, 尊严与信任.

Tiffin University is proud to partner with Bee-Safe for our 校园安全 and security needs. 



“Bee-Safe服务于 骄傲. We promote and create safer environments for everyone. 我们的专业人员, 通过合作努力和伙伴关系, go beyond protecting life and property when answering the call to service; “当保护很重要时

你可以信赖我们的团队 Professionalism, R除了, Integrity, Duty, Excellence (骄傲).”



The SafeWalk Program is designed to provide walking accompaniment for Tiffin University students, 工作人员, 教师 and visitors who may feel unsafe walking alone on campus at night to and from any University building, 停车场或宿舍.



你会被问到你的名字, 电话号码, 你的位置, 你的目标是什么, a member of 博彩平台推荐校园安全与安保 will come to help escort you to your destination safely.


Please call or text 419-934-0721 to request a SafeWalk service. Video escorts are also available through the WhatsApp application.


校园安全与保安 offers free vehicle jump starts for vehicles on campus.


校园安全与保安 offers free vehicle unlock services for vehicles on campus. A waiver releasing the University from liability must be completed.


If you have locked yourself out of your University housing, please contact 校园安全与保安 and we can assist you.


The 校园安全与保安 office is the main location for the University lost and found. Please check our office if you have misplaced an item or have found a lost item on campus.


校园安全与保安 can assist you in reviewing video surveillance for university incidents upon completion of a form.

  • 执行博彩平台推荐的政策和法规
  • 确保校园建筑和设施安全
  • 响应校园内的服务电话
  • 应对校园内的紧急情况
  • 执行校园停车规定
  • Provide student and 教师/工作人员 escorts on campus
  • 报告和回应校园维护情况
  • Maintain a safe and secure environment for the campus community
  • 公平、尊严和尊重: We treat people equally and honor each person with fairness, dignity, and respect
  • 问责制: We are accountable for our decisions, actions, and omissions.
  • 社区: To promote our partnership with the TU campus community in an inclusive and open environment
  • 无私奉献: We act in the interest of the TU community and the common good.
  • 完整性: To embrace a culture of honesty and strong moral principles.


  • 在你的手机上设置校园保安的号码
  • Do not opt out of the Tiffin University Alert System (RAVE)
  • Call for an Escort when walking alone at night or anytime you feel uncomfortable.
  • 了解你周围的环境
  • 报告任何你认为可疑的事情
  • Remove yourself from unsafe conditions and report them

When in any public place, keep these general safety tips in mind.

  • 酒精和其他药物 会影响你的认知和决策吗. Do not place yourself in a vulnerable position by being intoxicated or under the influence of other drugs.
  • 深夜组团旅行. 通常,人多安全. If you are going to separate from your group, tell someone when you will return. 拿个手机.
  • 如果你感到威胁例如,穿过街道或进入商店或企业.
  • 你手里有钥匙吗 当你走近你的车. Check under the car and the back seat before you enter.
  • 把贵重物品藏在后备箱里.
  • 如果你喝酒设定一个限度,并坚持下去. 不要空腹喝酒. 另外:不要把饮料放在无人看管的地方. If you are away from your drink any amount of time, toss it. 不值得冒这个险.


  • 使用 Safewalk程序. Patrol members will escort students between campus locations during patrol hours.
  • 如果你感到威胁 or if you want to report something suspicious, report it to Campus Security.
  • Program the University’s Campus Security into your cell phone: 419-934-0721. 或者拨打911.
  • 如有任何发现,请通知校园保安 可疑或不寻常.


  • 永远锁好你的门; even when you’re sleeping or just going down the hall.
  • Do not allow strangers to enter your room or your complex. Do not open your door unless you can identify the person seeking entry.
  • 不支撑任何外部门 open to allow unescorted visitors into the residence hall.
  • Report lost or stolen residence hall keys immediately 给你们宿舍的工作人员.
  • Report any malfunctioning locks, doors or windows to your residence life 工作人员.
  • Do not leave your keys lying around in your room when you are not in the room.
  • Do not leave messages on your door about when you will be returning to your room.
  • 学期结束? 在你离开之前把东西装上车 而不是前一天晚上. You never want valuables be in plain view in your vehicle.


  • 不要在半夜开门 除非你在等人. Ask your landlord to install a peephole in your front door.
  • If you are leaving home, leave on a light or a radio or a TV to make it appear as if someone is home.
  • 锁好门窗. Ask your landlord to install a deadbolt, if one is not present.
  • Let the police department know if a streetlight is out.


To truly stand out, we must not feel compelled to fit in.